Sunday, February 8, 2009

Firefighter Class

Right now I am in a class to get my Fire I & II certification. It has been a combination of a lot of hard work and so much fun. The only bummer is that it takes so much time, luckily it is only a few months until my family sees me again! On Saturday, we did the Proprane Prop and it was a blast - not literally thank heavens. Mick brought the camera down and took some pics of us playing. Mick wants to join the fire dept. in a couple of years. We both have a lot of friends there. A lot of them I actually work on the ambulance with too and I love them to death and trust them with my life. (I guess I better!)
These two yayhoots have been so sweet to help me when being a girl gets the best of me and I can't quite do all that the guys can do. They pitch in and help me so much. I'm so glad that I'm in the class with them!

When we were backing away from the tank after it had been shut off, the hose nearly knocked me on my butt because of all the water pressure. I could not believe how much strength it took to hang onto that nozzle! I would never have lived it down - of that I am certain.


Pete & Kenna said...

That's cool and scary. That is awesome that you don't have much longer left!

Lara said...

Will this help you get your red card or is it more just for structural stuff? I am glad you are enjoying it.

dude said...

You are so hardcore!!! I love it! Tell Mick Hi. You guys are the coolest.

Andrea said...

K you are done...time for an update!!! Congrats!!!