Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween Costumes

Halloween was awesome this year! It was so warm. I remember taking Ty in a blizzard one year. Ty and Bet both went on their own with their friends. Ty came home with a crapload of candy. They must have been cruising and covered a lot of territory. Emma wasn't so sure the first couple of houses, kinda dragging her feet and once she figured that people were putting goods in her little bucket she was all over it and was leading the way. Mick wore that little red Wendy's girl wig. People would pass us by and order hamburgers and fries. As we're walking along he says "My hair has so much bounce. . . it must be the conditioner I use. What a goober. He made me laugh. Kristen and Chris came down and went trick-or-treating with us too. Very fun night.

1 comment:

Lara said...

btw I love the costumes! Ariana's and Emma's are adorable! You better keep them to pass on to cousins.