Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Kristen put together a party for the employees at Xpress Bill Pay and their families for lunch on Friday. She gets this wild idea to make me a princess... Me a princess??? Yeah right. She pulls out her dresses - let's just say I could hardly breathe in this dress!!! :)

Kristen was a little kitty cat.

I have no idea what in the world Mick was. He and Kristen went to Walmart earlier in the day and a guy that was stocking shelves said "excuse me man" and Mick asked him if he said man or mam and the guy said "hey man, whatever". Kristen said he got the weirdest looks.
Ty and his friend Bailey were zombies. They were CHOMPING AT THE BIT to get out there and get trick or treating. Notice the huge pillowcase for his bag. They got the whole neighborhood done in one night and he was set. He came home and emptied it all into his drawer and is set for the next few months!

Now this is the cutest little dr. that I ever did see. She was a "SCARY" one though - thus the paint on her face.

Bet and Ariana didn't want to be just regular princesses, they wanted to be DEAD princesses.

It was only a minute before they all had everything dumped out on the counter or the table checking out all their goods.

If she looks hard enough, maybe she'll find some more in there!

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