Our family went to my mom's for Thanksgiving dinner this year. Everyone was there except my little bro Brian and his wife Maribel - we sure missed having them there!
It was so much fun to get together and pig out. For once I didn't eat so much I felt sick. I think I did more laughing than actual eating which is highly unusual for me! The best part was that Kristen set the kids down at the other end of the table by her and Mark so they had to get the kids plates ready. I got to sit at the other end and enjoy the feast. Thanks Kristen!
Mama Jo was the true chef, but Mark did help cut up the turkey. The rest of us were goofing off so bad I think she was ready to pop us one! Alan started throwing pieces of roll and of course they had to be thrown back.
The kids were more interested in the candy in the nutcups. Emilie made really cute place setting cards. Even little Sammy got one! The best part was that mom dug out my old plate that I made when I was 7 and put that in my place while everyone else got the china. It was so funny.
6 years ago