Every year the kids get to open one present on Christmas Eve and they are always new jammies to wear to bed. (My mom always gave us pjs too, but she would actually sew ours every year. That just isn't happening for my poor kids.) The kids were a little OVER anxious this year. They were asking to open their presents after breakfast. It was Christmas Eve after all they informed me. Christmas Eve was a lot of fun this year. The kids were pinging off the walls by late afternoon and I had to keep reminding myself how excited I was as a kid the day before. We have dinner as a family on Christmas Eve night w the nice dishes and the candles lit. The kids absolutely love it.
We sat together by the wood burning stove and read the story of Jesus' birth out of the scriptures. The girls were so wound up, they didn't really listen all that well. It's kind of hard to have a spiritual moment when they keep giggling and poking each other. I'm hoping that somewhere in there they will get something out of it.
The girls wanted to model their new pjs. Bet and Hana's were Hannah Montana and so they are posing as rockstars. Emma picks up on everything they do and has to do it to. I have to laugh because Hana hasn't wanted to take those pjs off since. Every day during Christmas Break it was a fight just to get her dressed every day because she wanted to wear them ALL day.
Ty had to pose too of course. That is a killer sword made out of the wrapping paper roll. Very intimidating Bones.